Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Staying in a upright postion...is not as easy for me!!

I had a bad fall yesterday, I missed a step over our dog, Shadow. I ended up, down on the floor....for me this is not a good thing. Getting up can harder than it seems. When I first got this cancer, my body started to lose it`s strength very fast. Before I knew it I could not lift a gallon milk. I could carry one, But I was not supposed to. My doctors ask me not lift or carry anything over 2 pounds. Even now, living in Florida, my doctors do not want me to carry anything more than 1 pound. They have even stopped me from walking our dogs. Any way, getting back to my tale of woe, I fell and knocked the air out of me. I also landed with my arm under me at my chest, Causing me to bruise my ribs. So getting up from my bed, hurt. Sitting down on my bed, hurt. However I could lay down and feel no pain at all. But, today I am feeling much better, even though I still have a little pain getting up or sitting down. But, I have no problem moving about as long as I take my time and do not rush it! Poor Shadow, he just will not move out of the way of people. However, Rocky, now that`s a different story. When I first got sick, he became very watchful over me. As any body in my family can tell you, before I became sick, Rocky and I used to play very rough with one another. He would leave me with blood coming off my arms. But, now he will only play with me like I am some little kid. He makes sure I am okay, he checks on me every day and every night. He treats me as if I was his puppy. I am telling you, if there is something wrong with me, he will know it before I even do. You have got to love a dog like that!! Our whole family treats Rocky like he is just another one of kids in the house. We have spoiled him, allowed him to pretty much have his freedom with reason. We would never allow him to be a danger to himself or others. And trust me, he can be a real danger to strangers. He just does not bark, he will bite and attack a stranger without thinking about!! I believe with my whole heart, he would take a bullet for any family member. Okay, enough of this. I am okay, and I am feeling great and loving life!! Plus, I had to go for blood test today. And the bonus was I found a great magazine. It is called "The family handyman" it is loaded with all kinds tips and links to many web sites. Plus they have a great offer, buy one year of the magazine, and get the second year for free!! Now that is quite an offer. So I asked them if I could steal the magazine, because it had such great information in it! And they thought I was crazy...no one ever asks, they just take. I told I could not do that, I have to ask. My mother would beat me with a frying pan if I stole something. Even today, I am over fifty years old and she would still open a can of whoop- ass on me!! Now that is a real good up bringing where we come from!! I love her for that kind of up bringing. Mothers and Fathers can not raise kids today like I was raised. And that is real shame! I believe that is the answer to many of the problems kids today have! They were raised by MTV and cable movies. They were not exposed to church and God or given that speech given by so many mothers and fathers of my day, " I brought you into this world, and I will damn sure take you out of it"! Today kids say try it I will call child protection, you will go to jail. They can not even spank a child on their bottom when they are bad! I mean why bother being mom or dad anymore. They make it so hard to raise a child! It is such a shame!!!

Monday, January 30, 2012


Okay, I found out why some links did not want to load. Also there is site name change, I just found out about.If you want to get down load book about home canning, you`ll need this site.  nchfp.uga.edu  . Also the egg site changed their site name. georigaeggs.org . Just copy and paste the link and you will be fine. Enjoy!!

Ah, Feeling better!!

I want to share something interesting sites I found. If you want to save big bucks on your food bill. Then using a farm for all your fruits and vegetables needs alone can save you 60 % or more. www.pick-u-own.com . Also this is the wildest site I have ever found and I have seen some sites, after being on line, almost 26 years. Anything you have ever wanted to know about eggs is on this site. www.georgiaeggs.com . Have you ever wondered about all this solar energy stuff, and how it can help you save money for your family. Well then just go and check out this site. www.builditsolar.com . Do you want your family to be safe during a bad storm or  a power outage that last longer than 3 days. Then go here and find out what the government says you should do to help your family.  The link does not want to load today... so you`ll have to copy and paste this:  www.ready.gov . Would you like to know if the meats you are buying are safe or are being recalled? Then try using this link. www.nal.usda.gov . A complete guide to home canning can downloaded at this site. Okay, this is last link today, they do not want to load right. So please copy and paste this link, www.uga.edu/nchfp//publications/usda_html . I hope you find these sites as much fun as I did. If you have any great links, why not share them with me. Just put the info in comments. I will let you know how much I liked or loved it!!!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

"Wow, it`s been a while."

Sorry I haven`t posted anything in a while. But, I have not been myself lately. But, I am getting much better now. My weight has dropped to an amazing 233.4 lbs. I am feeling great about that. This means I am only 13 lbs. away from what they say is my ideal weight should be for someone of my height. So I`m feeling like a star. Angel, is watching me like a hawk, she is afraid I`m going go into a daze like I did before. But, I was not myself then, now I`m much better.

Friday, January 20, 2012

What a difference a day makes!

This really happened. Very early Thursday morning, Angel found me slumped back in the computer chair, looking as if I had suffered a stroke!!! They called 911 and they came to take me away. At Tampa Gen. Hospital, It was discovered that I DID NOT suffer a stroke, it was just fluid build up in my body. Even though I was taking my meds. and going to the bathroom many times a day. I was still building up fluid in side of me. That was because I was not told about one drug I suppose to be taking. On the bottle of medical syrup it says as needed for constipation. When if they had told me that it had a real job and that was to remove toxins from my body! I would have been using those meds. just like I take everything else that is supposed to be for removing excess fluid from building up in me.I take those meds. without fail everyday!!! Angel is always making sure I have taken my meds.! Just as she is always there to make sure if I need anything she is able to make it, go buy it or cook it herself. So I have been in an Ambulance here in Tampa and really was quite the ride!!!! They were true professionals at their job. I was treated very nicely and I never felt like I dealing with dummies also, I fit well in the bed of the ambulance, unlike New York where I still heavy set and a wide load for most things called standard beds, chairs and machines such MIR`s and some xray machines. When I was in New York there were test that could not be done simply because I was the size of small house then!! So I am so thankful to God above for giving me the chance to lose a lot of weight. That at this point of my life, I am looking forward into what I can do and I feel so wonderful about life now that I know there is a real good chance I will be able to live and work again. Just knowing that I make plans and they are able to happen puts a big assed smile on my face for the world to see and makes me smile in my heart for the first time in four years. Or ever sense I was told I had cancer. I have not been the most forward looking person. My life seemed kinda lost and useless to me. I thank God for Angel and our kids, they gave me reasons to wake up every day to see about them. Even when we had such a little bit of money coming into our home then. I was seeing life as over. I could not see me ever working and earning a paycheck ever again in my life and that was the biggest thing, I could not accept that. I now have hope that I will get better and will soon be able return to work and live our lives again, puts a smile on my face and a song in my heart!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A warm sunny morning to start my day!

Good Morning Sunshine!!
Gee, it`s a beautiful day. It`s warm in the lower 60`s right now and they say it could reach 78 degrees by this afternoon with possible thunder showers, I just love thunder and lightening. It`s my favorite thing to watch. I`m so having a good day, my weight is lower than I expected it`s 245.9 down from 251.0 last Friday. My doctor thinks that`s good so hopefully it keep going that way. There is a lot to get excited about. And I am almost giddy with excitement. Ever hear of that old song " I`m following a rainbow " that`s me right a bout now.
" I`m following a rainbow, over hills and mountains there. Oh, yeah, some body some where, one day will teach me to care. Till then, I`m running with out a care! I`m following a rainbow "
  I just love that song it`s from an old Elvis movie " I Got Lucky " where he plays a boxer that falls in love with a pretty girl and gets into trouble with her father. It`s a good movie with a great sound track. His best movie of all of them was " Charro " only one song in that movie, and was the title tune. The rest of the movie he had to really act to play the part, and he did that very well. I also love cowboy movies!!! Any of them. All of  them that starred every one. I hope there is one on now!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Making dotors appointments!!

Today I`m making doctors appointments. Okay, I`m trying to make the appointments but, I keep busy signals. So I have to keep trying. In other news, I`m losing weight like crazy I was 251 lbs. on Friday now today I weight in at 247 lbs. I`m just amazed at well these water pills are working!! I started new web site it`s just for links to all kinds places that can people save money and start new projects or learn new things.

Living the simple way of life!!!

So go and visit this new site I`m updating it very often.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Head filled with ideals!!!

Ok, I need to explain something here.. I had a dream where our wonderful Country was ending up like the Countries in Europe with sky high gas prices and electric at really high prices. We, as a Nation was transported over night into the late 1800`s horses, donkeys and cattle were the mode of transport and hauling wagons and trailers. If such a thing were to happen, Angel and I would need to get to New York to gather the kids and bring them back to Fla. So I begin to have ideals of things I could build to make our trip easier and safer. As we traveled from Fla. to New York! One of those ideals was a trailer converted into a rolling camper/RV kind of thing. Six and a half foot wide by twenty three feet long. The inside would have a Bathroom with shower and toilet and sink. A bed room with a good size bed, a small closet for Angel`s stuff. Also we would have a room for dinning and cooking. So with these needs in mind, I have been watching home building and room improvement shows for ideals and advice on framing, installation and walls, also some roofing and ceiling ideals. I also thought about the lack of power, so with that in mind, I thought about RV`s and the bath room and water needs. So today, I`m online reading about those things. As for my medical stuff, I`m doing okay. My fluid build up seems to draining out of me. I`ve spent more time in the bath room than I care to admit to. But, the proof seems to be in my weight, it`s going down now I was at 251 now I`m at 249. And that`s a good thing! My normal weight is 240. So everything seems to be good. My BP is normal. I have begun to eat small meals every three hours or so. My drinking of water and such is under control, so I can only drink so much in a day. I`m happy and free of worries for the first time in years and it feels great.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mozilla FireFox!!!!

I have installed firefox for my computer and I love it!! It works better than explorer ever did and it seems to have more apps than explorer has. It`s able to run better and faster on line. This very important to me that web sites load faster and I`m able to surf faster and better than ever before. Adam you always said firefox was a great program and I was always scared to try it. Well, now I`m fan of it and willing to tell others this stuff is great!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Tebow effect!!!

It just amazes me that people seem to be missing the point about this Tebowing thing. He is not asking God to help him win the game when he bows down and says a quick prayer, He is giving thanks to God for his good fortune, to be able to out run the other guys and score the touchdown for his team!! Is God helping him win?!?!? I would say maybe he is..having seen the hand of God at work in my life, I too give thanks to God everyday for all the blessings he has placed in my life! The blessings start with my Angel who has made my life more than perfect, the doctors I am working with now, who are very helpful and willing to take the time to explain anything and everything about my care to both me and my Angel! To the wonderful childern that are a part of my life, I love them as if they were my own and I thank God for them being in and a part of my life everyday, to the three beautiful grandbabies that fill our lives with so much joy!!! To my Angel`s ex husband who has remarried to a wonderful person who was able to send me to the right places to get help with this cancer thing when I first got it! Yes, God has blessed me over and over in my life and thank him everyday!! May God bless everyone as he has me!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ok, I`m back............

First, Congrats to Bon-bon and Adam on the birth of their beautiful daughter, Madison!!

I`m feeling a little better. I have been in and out of hospitals and doctors offices till I`m almost beat to death by the constance coming and going back and forth. Most of my plans have placed on hold for now as I work at getting better and getting well again. I`m now involved with a team of doctors working to get into a liver transplant so I can be me again. For this, I`m so thankful to the lord god for blessing me with these doctors!!
I will try to keep a running update on my progress and all the blessing God is giving me!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Another Hospital stay....

Ok, to start....Good luck, Bon-bon!!!!

Ok, now let`s begin, I`ve spent far to much time in hospitals these past two weeks or so. I have learned that death is an easier choice than ever going to Brandon hospital ever again!! I have never been treated with such disreguard as I was at this hospital of horrors, while sick and unable to care for myself they left me sitting in my own waste matter for almost three hours before they gave Angel the tools to clean me up....notice I said "Angel" instead of nurse or aide. That`s right, they didn`t do anything, I went there with a swollen belly, shortness of breathe and chest pains...and they ran a brain scan??!!?!?! We spent a total of five hours in this place, they never helped or gave me any meds to help me. Angel pushed the wheel chair I was in all over the place as we needed to go such as xray, brain scan etc. from the minute we got there right to the exit Angel pushed me around and I`m not a light person. Althought as we left the hospital an aide did push me to our car. A few hours later I was admitted into St. Joseph`s hospital, and treated the way one would expect from a hospital that cares and gives great service to us.
Four days later I was sent Tampa Gen. hospital, This is the place to go if you are sick and in need help!! They treated me like I was a king of some great country or something...I swear, the treatment I had here was unbeievable this hospital and the staff from house cleaning to the doctors were nice and helpful in every way I can think of. I have never had a better experince while being sick as I had there. I will have times when I will have to return Tampa Gen. hospital and I have no fear of being there, as they are very good at what they do and the way they treated me while I was there. I almost look forward to being there...because they treated me so well even the food was great...and that is saying something about the kind of place this is.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My harrowing trip down hospital lane...

First, I need to say thank you to my Angel and Sean, without whom I`be dead or stuck somewhere. Sean, you are a good man! I love you like a son. And I hope you don`t mind me sayin` so!
Angel, I always thank you for all you do for me!!

Ok, first Brandon hospital is no place to go if you are sick or ill. They are without a doubt, the worst place you could end up....next to a grave, and I think I`ll pick the grave over them. I went there a sick person, left there..pissed off and still sick...even worse than I arrived.

St. Joseph`s hospital is a good place to go..least they care about you there. I can`t go into details just yet. I`m still trying to get my head around all I have been thurough this past week.

I wish every one a Happy New Year!!