Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Staying in a upright postion...is not as easy for me!!

I had a bad fall yesterday, I missed a step over our dog, Shadow. I ended up, down on the floor....for me this is not a good thing. Getting up can harder than it seems. When I first got this cancer, my body started to lose it`s strength very fast. Before I knew it I could not lift a gallon milk. I could carry one, But I was not supposed to. My doctors ask me not lift or carry anything over 2 pounds. Even now, living in Florida, my doctors do not want me to carry anything more than 1 pound. They have even stopped me from walking our dogs. Any way, getting back to my tale of woe, I fell and knocked the air out of me. I also landed with my arm under me at my chest, Causing me to bruise my ribs. So getting up from my bed, hurt. Sitting down on my bed, hurt. However I could lay down and feel no pain at all. But, today I am feeling much better, even though I still have a little pain getting up or sitting down. But, I have no problem moving about as long as I take my time and do not rush it! Poor Shadow, he just will not move out of the way of people. However, Rocky, now that`s a different story. When I first got sick, he became very watchful over me. As any body in my family can tell you, before I became sick, Rocky and I used to play very rough with one another. He would leave me with blood coming off my arms. But, now he will only play with me like I am some little kid. He makes sure I am okay, he checks on me every day and every night. He treats me as if I was his puppy. I am telling you, if there is something wrong with me, he will know it before I even do. You have got to love a dog like that!! Our whole family treats Rocky like he is just another one of kids in the house. We have spoiled him, allowed him to pretty much have his freedom with reason. We would never allow him to be a danger to himself or others. And trust me, he can be a real danger to strangers. He just does not bark, he will bite and attack a stranger without thinking about!! I believe with my whole heart, he would take a bullet for any family member. Okay, enough of this. I am okay, and I am feeling great and loving life!! Plus, I had to go for blood test today. And the bonus was I found a great magazine. It is called "The family handyman" it is loaded with all kinds tips and links to many web sites. Plus they have a great offer, buy one year of the magazine, and get the second year for free!! Now that is quite an offer. So I asked them if I could steal the magazine, because it had such great information in it! And they thought I was crazy...no one ever asks, they just take. I told I could not do that, I have to ask. My mother would beat me with a frying pan if I stole something. Even today, I am over fifty years old and she would still open a can of whoop- ass on me!! Now that is a real good up bringing where we come from!! I love her for that kind of up bringing. Mothers and Fathers can not raise kids today like I was raised. And that is real shame! I believe that is the answer to many of the problems kids today have! They were raised by MTV and cable movies. They were not exposed to church and God or given that speech given by so many mothers and fathers of my day, " I brought you into this world, and I will damn sure take you out of it"! Today kids say try it I will call child protection, you will go to jail. They can not even spank a child on their bottom when they are bad! I mean why bother being mom or dad anymore. They make it so hard to raise a child! It is such a shame!!!

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